If you don’t like the way your brick pavers look, you may be tempted to paint them. This is certainly an option to consider, but it may not work the way you planned it. Before you stock up on spray paint for your pavers, you need to know the facts. Check out these pro tips from Mortar City Masonry.
Pros and Cons of Painting Paving Bricks
Painting your pavers is a quick way to change the way they look. You don’t have to move them around or lay new pavers. You can just cover the ones you have. If that sounds a little too good to be true, it’s because it is.
Paving bricks have a porous surface that sucks up paint. You’re going to need several coats to get adequate coverage, and the paint may never look even. The porous surface is designed to absorb water and prevent slip hazards. If you seal the pores with paint, your pavers may become slick when it rains.
Most pavers have sand between the joints, and you probably won’t be able to paint over the sand. You can paint the individual pavers and install new sand afterward, but that will be a time-consuming process. If you’re looking for a quick weekend project to renovate your backyard, this may not be a great option for you.
Also, keep in mind that paint is subject to sun fading. Your current paving bricks have color throughout based on how they are manufactured. Once your paint wears down or fades, you may see some of the original brick color peeking through. Don’t be surprised if you don’t achieve the look you were aiming for.
Tips for Choosing the Right Kind of Paint
Different types of paint are made for different settings. The paint you select for your brick pavers needs to be UV-resistant, fade-resistant, slip-proof, and rated for the outdoors. You may look at paints for concrete or outdoor tile. That should point you in the right direction. Do not use indoor paint for this project.
Spray paint goes on quickly, but you will need many coats to get ample coverage. The cost can add up fast, and you may be better off with a roll-on option. If you are going to use spray paint, get a spray paint adapter to prevent drips and finger cramps.
Clean Your Pavers Thoroughly before Painting
Thorough prep work goes a long way. Clean your pavers well before painting. Complete this project on a clear, sunny day with no chance of rain for at least 24-48 hours. The paint will need time to cure and bond with the pavers.
Do not set anything on the painted pavers until after the curing time listed on the paint. The paint may feel dry to the touch, but the coats underneath need to harden. Wait a few days before adding furniture and décor.
Alternate Ways to Refresh Your Pavers
If you want to change the way your pavers look, try replacing the sand in the joints. This can make a dramatic impact with minimal effort. The color of the sand will bring out certain colors or shapes in the pavers. New sand could make the pavers themselves look brand new.
You could also try staining your pavers instead of painting them. This will change the color without completely sealing the pores like you would with paint. If you want the pavers to have a “wet” look at all times, you may add a few coats of sealant to them. Just note that you will need to re-seal the pavers every couple of years.
If you want a complete makeover for your paving bricks, Mortar City Masonry is here to help. We offer brick paver restoration, reset, installation, and replacement services. Contact us at (586) 533-1305 to schedule a consultation.