I Have Cracks in My Brickwork: What Does This Mean?

Brick Cracks

If you’ve started to notice cracks appearing in your brick facades, walls, porches, or steps, you may be concerned with what that means. While many cracks look scary, not all are cause for panic. Here’s your guide to identifying cracks, which ones pose a structural issue, and what to do about them. Hint: it involves consulting with a brick repair professional.

What Causes Brick Cracks?

From shifting soil to standing water, many things can cause cracks in bricks. Due to their inflexible nature, bricks often crack as the house settles or with external factors. Many cracks in walls are harmless and common, but foundation issues could be to blame for those large brick cracks on your exteriors. 

Shifting Soil

Varying soil conditions can lead to foundation shifting and brick cracking. Anything from freeze/thaw cycles to moisture in the soil can cause cracks.


Rainwater, leaking pipes, and clogged gutters can damage your brick walls and foundation. You’ll first have to address the source of the leak before repairing the bricks. Failure to do so can lead to more serious issues.


If you have construction going on next to your house, your foundation and brick walls can be impacted by the constant vibration put out by heavy machinery.

A Look at Brick Crack Shapes and Sizes

Cracks can be characterized by their depth, location, and appearance. 

  • Small: Cracks smaller than 1/16 of an inch are not usually serious. You’ll still want to repair them before they widen, however. Don’t neglect cosmetic cracks, which can morph into structural issues with enough time.
  • Medium: These are cracks that are 1/8 of an inch to one-quarter inch wide, and usually signify underlying issues such as foundation or structural problems. 
  • Large: These should be fixed immediately by a professional. They are larger than one-quarter of an inch and are the result of serious structural problems. 
  • Vertical: These cracks are caused by warm weather when bricks start to expand and shrink. You may have a foundation issue if the cracks are wider at the top than bottom. Vertical cracks should be treated right away, as they are not as common as others.
  • Horizontal: Structural problems are often to blame forlong horizontal outdoor cracks, thanks to soil movement or brick deterioration.
  • Stair-Step: These indicate that your foundation is settling and then sinking into the ground. If you spot cracks in the drywall, warping doors or windows, or sloping floors, get the problem looked at immediately.
  • Veneer: Brick veneer cracks with weather conditions as the brick and mortar joints contract and expand. These cracks will become bigger with time if not addressed. Veneers are attached securely to a structural wall or underlying brick, which means if you ignore the issue, more serious structural damage can result.

Contact Mortar City Masonry

If you’re noticing cracks in your brickwork and aren’t sure if they’re serious or not, give our brick repair experts in Michigan a call today at 586-533-1305. We can give you a free quote and consultation on brick inspections and repair and beyond.